quinta-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2009

Ubuntu 10.04 Starts for 10 Seconds

The growing adoption of the Linux operating system on netbook devices has compelled Linux distributors to focus on improving startup performance. Ubuntu 9.10, recently released, is one distribution where these improvements are particularly noticeable.

In a presentation at the Ubuntu Developer Summit in Barcelona, developer Scott James Remnant noted that boot time decreased from 65 seconds in version 8.10 to only 20 seconds in 9.10, codenamed Karmic Koala. This is already a substantial improvement, but he believes that there is still room for more aggressive optimization. Canonical, the company behind Ubuntu, will continue pushing the limits of boot performance. According to Remnant, the company aims to achieve a ten-second boot time next year for Ubuntu 10.04, the release that will follow after Karmic.

3 comentários:

NicholasCouri disse...

Para que 10 segundos ? Partindo-se do pressuposto que teoricamente a maquina deveria ficar 24x7, qual o real impacto em um boot de 10 segundos versus um de 3 minutos ?

roberto disse...

neguinho tah querendo sacanear ae, claudiao... deve ser pq ele eh do lado negro da forca :\


Eduardo disse...


Por um acaso você tatuou uma janela no bumbum??? Realmente no Ubuntu o boot poderia ser de 3 minutos, já que nunca precisa desligar a cada update, já em outros SOs... hehehe